"MK DAN & GrandMasterTRS" GC 2014
Hello everyone,
We are now back from the Gamescom in Cologne but first of all, we wanted to say a big thanks to a few persons before we starting with our coverage about #MORTAL KOMBAT X.
We wanted to say first a big thanks to Warner Bros Games US and Warner Bros Games in Germany that makes a lot possible during this Gamescom 2014 in Cologne.
Many many thanks goes to the NetherRealm Studio Team, special thanks goes to Derek Kirtzic, Hans Lo, Brian Goodman and of corse The Master Lord himself Ed Boon thanks a lot for your passion and time with us, it was a big pleasure and a huge honor to have meet you in Germany again.
The only thing we can just say for the moment is, Netherrealm Studio will break all records with MKX, the new game looks just amazing and really really gory & bloody.
The new X-Rays are so painfully, sometimes I need to look outside the screen because it remember me to something you know breaking necks and backs that´s really hurts.
Here we have some pictures...
GrandMasterTRS & Derek Kirtzic
MK DAN & Derek Kirtzic
But in MKX he is really really good with Scorpion and with his favourite character D'Vorah!. He demonstrated us some combos with Scorpion & D'Vorah it was just extremely awesome. Sadly it was not allowed to film something of the gameplay and of course we respect that.
Hans Lo & MK DAN
Brian Goodman & MK DAN
Ed Boon & Kehau Rodenhurst
GrandMasterTRS is beginning now to finish the Interview that we made with Ed Boon.
Our Interview will be online on Sunday or on Monday
But if you have any question to ask Follow us on Twitter at @mkuniverse or viste www.themortalKombatuniverse.de (Forum/Board) MKUNIVERSE GAMESCOM 2014 THREAD and www.mkuniverse.lu Homepage
Stay tuned for more Infos.
This is our Interview with the legendary mastermind behind Mortal Kombat, Injustice and several other games, Ed Boon himself.
Feel free to share, like and comment this video. Comments are welcome.
Big thanks to Warner Bros. Games US, Warner Bros. Games Germany, and of course the entire Netherrealm Studios team. Thanks a lot for your support, time and patience to make all this possible at the Gamescom 2014.
Tribute to Netherrealm Studios & Warner Bros. Games
Thanks to...,
Ed Boon / Co-Creator, Creative Director at NetherRealm Studios Hans Lo / Producer at NetherRealm Studios Derek Kirtzic / Associate Designer at NetherRealm Studios Brian Goodman / Marketing Game Manager at NetherRealm Studios Markus Häberlein / PR Manager WB Games